How do I...? and other questions


Post here if you have any questions about using the site that are not covered in the 'how to' guide.

Photo size

Submitted by JamesCk on

I am new to iRecord and I can't find any mention of how big your photos can be. Can someone tell me a) maximum kb/MB per photo and b) maximum number of pixels on the longest side?

I have a number of photos "ready" for adding - these are 300-400kb with a fixed longest side of max 1000 pixels. Would that be okay?

Thanks in advance.


Addressing/replying to cleaner notifications and comments

Submitted by conceptacassar… on

Hi all, 

I have had a couple of cleaner notifications for species outside known range - I'm reasonably confident of my ID and open to expert input but can't see a clear way to address the notification. 

I also had some very helpful feedback from a recorder on a species outside of my comfort zone and would like to send thanks but can't see how to do this either!

Thank you for your help!

Known Recorder

Submitted by William Lambourne on

Hello All,

This is my first time using this forum.

I recently submitted a record of Clover Melitta bee (Melitta leporina) outside of its known range and soon after was presented with a notification saying something along the lines of 'this record cannot be accepted unless it is from a known recorder'. My question is, what makes a recorder a 'known recorder'? And how could one go about becoming a known recorder?


Incorrect grid ref, cant edit

Submitted by charlie on

Some records I entered on the App are showing at the wrong location - although I entered the correct grid ref at the time (and it has been, bizarrely, recorded correctly in a second gridref_calculated field), it appears to have geolocated to and, set it the "actual" location, to the current location. I dont seem to be able to edit the spatial ref of these records. See eg 28262556. How can I edit these records so they are in the right place?

creating filters

Submitted by JonathanWallace on

I want to create a filter so I can download a subset of my records but am struggling.  In explore my records I have clicked on 'create new filter', selected and applied the parameters I wish to include and named and saved the filter but it does not then appear in the list of available filters.  What am I doing wrong/missing?