How do I...? and other questions


Post here if you have any questions about using the site that are not covered in the 'how to' guide.

Editing records recorded on the app as part of a survey

Submitted by CharlieLimaBravo on

I have records entered as part of a plant survey which have a error. In one particular case marked as sensitive in error. In another the grid reference is incorrect. How can I corect these? When trying to edit the records the only options offered appear to be either to alter the taxon name or delete the record.

Select by Local Authority area

Submitted by Natalie Harmsworth on

I would like to filter records on one Local Authority area (Scottish Borders), but I do not see this as an option. Is there any way to do this other than having to select all the respective vice-counties, which do not match up entirely with the Local Authority boundary?

I believe I asked if Local Authority boundaries could be added to iRecord years ago. Very disappointing, it would appear they are still not available, especially as the Local Authority dataset is open source - unless I have missed something?

Unable to upload recording of bat in .wav file.

Submitted by on

I have uploaded a record for a bat I recorded in my local woods. I used the bat specific form, which asks me to upload a recording. However, when I click "Add file" under Media files, the file open dialog box only lists image files, not wav files. How can I upload my wav file?

It lists wav files as supported files so this is odd.

Lepidoptera Hotspots

Submitted by AGTurner on


Is there some way of using iRecord data to show me the high density of Lepidoptera species areas on the map?. I don't mean for specific species but for ALL Lepidoptera species. For example, parts of Staffordshire would show as red indicating a high number of Lepidoptera species and yellow showing lower numbers.



Missing taxon Diptera, Psychodidae

Submitted by Mr Raymond A Watson on

I have been trying to record Telmatoscopus tristis (Meigen, 1830) but it does not appear to be present on irecord. It is a valid species on NBN. The number of species in Telmatoscopus on iRecord is very low compared to those known in the UK. Perhaps it is placed in another genus? However sorting through tristis I did not spot a Dipteran that appeared in Psychodidae in a genus I knew.