Importing GIS shape files for sites?

Submitted by HS Rangers on

Hi all

Does anyone if it is possible to import pre-existing shape files from an external GIS system into the 'My Sites' section of iRecord? The polygons for sites that we have on our GIS system are very accurate, so it would be better to import them as they are rather than try to replicate them using the 'draw polygon' tool on the Edit function.

Thanks for any help!


Submitted by JulianL on Sat, 02/03/2024 - 08:35


Completely agree. On NBN I can paste in my GIS polygon and get precise results, but on iRecord I have to ‘eyeball’ it. Would be a useful improvement.

Submitted by NewLifeontheOldWest on Tue, 09/04/2024 - 11:55


Seems crazy that this is not already part of the functionality. The site mapping tool is horribly clunky and not user-friendly at all