You can enter a grid reference directly, or search for a place then click on the map to set it. If you are returning to a previously recorded site, you can select the site first (start typing its name into the box - a dropdown list will appear) and the grid reference will be entered for you. If you are recording in a different part of a previously visited site, you can modify the grid reference either directly or by clicking on the map. If you are entering a new site name, you will see a button appear that offers to remember it for you. If you think you may return to the site again in the future, you can click this to remember it.
Please enter Spider Recording Scheme habitat, site and sampling data if you can. This information greatly increases the value of your records. You can click on the labels for each control to get more help which will appear below the habitat, site and sampling controls.
SRS broad habitat:
Buildings, indoors
Cave, tunnel, well or culvert
Cultivated land, including gardens
Gardens, parks
Grassland, acid
Grassland, calcareous
Grassland, improved
Grassland, neutral
Grassland, other
Heath/moor, heather
Heath/moor, other
Not Recorded
Post-industrial, buildings/industrial infrastructure
Post-industrial, mineral extraction sites/spoil heaps
Rock, scree or quarry
Sand dune
Wetland vegetation, acid
Wetland vegetation, other
Wetland, acid bog
Wetland, carr/swamp
Wetland, edges of lakes, ponds, rivers and streams
Wetland, fen
Wetland, marsh
Wetland, open water
Wetland, reedbed
Woodland, conifer
Woodland, deciduous
Woodland, mixed
Woodland, young conifer plantation
Raised bog
Blanket bog
SRS sub-habitat:
Not Recorded
Gorse scrub
Scrub (other)
Scattered Trees
SRS substrate:
1. Clay
2. Sand
3. Gravel/stony
4. Peat
5. Rock
6. Other
Not Recorded
SRS hydrology:
1. Dry
2. Wet
3. Temporary/periodic flooding
4. Freshwater - still
5. Freshwater - running
6. Brackish
7. Saline
Not Recorded
SRS management feature:
Not Recorded
1. Unmanaged
2. Grazed
3. Cut
4. Coppiced
5. Clear-felled
6. Burning
7. Physical disturbance
SRS grazing:
1. Cattle
2. Sheep
3. Horse
4. Rabbits
5. Mixed
6. None
Not Recorded
SRS management frequency:
1. Annual
2. Rotational
3. Regular
4. Low level
5. Intensive
6. Other (specify in notes)
Not Recorded