How do I...? and other questions


Post here if you have any questions about using the site that are not covered in the 'how to' guide.

Surveying linear features e.g river banks

Submitted by BiodiversityOverton on

Hi, just started using irecord and getting to grips with it!  We'd like to use it for recording a water vole survey. Is there any way of identifying linear features i.e a stretch of river as opposed to general areas e.g 100 metre squares? Also no water voles seen but evidence of presence recorded i.e. latrines and feeding sites.





Changing location of records in bulk?

Submitted by matthewlewis89… on

Hi all,

I've got some records that a volunteer has submitted via the app, but it seems that they accidentally locked their location some time ago. For each record I have the correct location name, but the latlong is wrong. I can match the written locations to grid refs fairly easily, but manually changing each record feels pretty arduous. 

I was wondering if there's a way for the volunteer to bulk change these records to the correct location?

Thanks in advance!

Activities don't appear in phone app

Submitted by Simon Olley on

I'm new to iRecord:

I've set up two accounts. The first is for my friends group who want to run an activity. The second is my personal iRecord account. Using the first account I set up the survey activity and added my personal account details as an administrator. When I logged onto my personal account I was able to add the activity and can see myself there as an administrator. However, when I log into iRecord on my iPhone (7+) and select Activities from the menu I get a screen saying 'Sorry, no activities data is available at the moment. I'm not in training mode.


Importing GIS shape files for sites?

Submitted by HS Rangers on

Hi all

Does anyone if it is possible to import pre-existing shape files from an external GIS system into the 'My Sites' section of iRecord? The polygons for sites that we have on our GIS system are very accurate, so it would be better to import them as they are rather than try to replicate them using the 'draw polygon' tool on the Edit function.

Thanks for any help!

Retro-adding records to an activity

Submitted by pennyinsole@gm… on

I have recently uploaded a number of records via the app and mistakenly thought I had selected my chosen activity to add them to. However, at some point in the process, the app had put me back onto the 'Default' setting and the records did not go into the activity. Is there any way of retrospectively adding the records once uploaded to an activity?