Adding records to an Activity

Submitted by tim.hodge@btin… on

I've got several records that I submitted as general records that I'd like to now allocate to an Activity already set up on the Activities page. Some have already been verified so I don't want to delete them and start again, so can you edit a record to now include it in an Activity. Conversely I've also got some records already added to an Activity that I want to remove. Anyone know whether this is possible. Thanks. 


Submitted by James Emerson on Mon, 22/07/2024 - 21:07


Hi Tim.

If the relevant activities are the type where you have to submit a record via a certain form to include it, then as far as I know then there isn't a way of allocating records already in general data to the activity. Not really any help if these are activities set up by other people, but I have a couple of activities and have just set them up to include any records within certain boundaries, so all relevant records are included regardless of people having to add them via a form.