How do I...? and other questions


Post here if you have any questions about using the site that are not covered in the 'how to' guide.

Sharing the records of an activity with non-members

Submitted by mans0954 on


I've been asked if it's possible to share the records associated with an activity with a much wider range of people than those involved in the recording. E.g. a small number of people are making records in a churchyard but would like to share the results with the congregation and wider community, most of whom won't be submitting records and therefore don't have iRecord accounts.

I'm aware that individual records can be shared with anonymous users via a URL such as:

Map search filters

Submitted by JulianL on

Hello.  I am trying to search an area on the map.  I can see there are lots of records, but there is a entered a 4 digit grid reference that covers everything.  Clicking the map shows this result as I assume it is the highest map layer.  Is there a way to filter the map to exclude records with grid references less than 6 or maybe 8 digits?  Thank you

Records remaining at Pending status

Submitted by ian.armitage@b… on

The last 23 records I’ve entered have remained at Pending status. I press the Upload or Upload All tab and get a brief action which suggests it is transferring but all these records remain. As far as I’m aware the data is complete and I’ve not had a problem uploading up to this point. Any clues how to progress these records?

Uploading problem and records disappearing

Submitted by NaomiA on

I have had trouble uploading simple butterfly sightings.  I checked my internet connection was good.  I then signed out of the app and back in again and now all my records uploaded last year have disappeared aswell as the pending records I was trying to upload from the weekend!  Any idea what’s happening and if I’ve lost my data? 
Thanks, Naomi 

Upload problem

Submitted by cliffhanger@ga… on


Even in the best wi-fi conditions I am unable to send records.  The app is refusing to communicate. 

I had considered reinstalling but am I right in saying i will lose my records?

If not, where are they kept?  My phone is rooted, so I would be able to save them.

