How do I...? and other questions


Post here if you have any questions about using the site that are not covered in the 'how to' guide.

Data entry

Submitted by liquidamber on

I'm trying to upload a butterfly sighting.I click/return on the correct record in the drop-down box for the species, and complete the rest of the form, but then it won't upload theform, saying 'taxon must be specified' for the species box. Well I've used I-Record's own suggestion, so I've no idea what else it needs. Please: what do I do now?

Stopping a generalised 10km square observation blocking out the map at certain zoom levels?

Submitted by Malcolm MacGarvin on

An observer has recorded a golden eagle, but (not unreasonably) generalised the location to a 10km square. Unfortunately at some higher zoom levels the record displays as solid blue and blocks out large areas of the map.

Any solutions that can be applied by the end user?

spatial reference

Submitted by thecestrian@ho… on

because i also record for bto i use the same locations for entomolgy but one of my locations is a long stretch about 1 mile but with irecord i dont know how 

to cover that area as i only seem to be able to get the 10mts block ..i have tried holding shift but that didnt work?

Habitat definition

Submitted by christineann9@… on

Hi, is there somewhere you define the different categories of habitat available in the drop-down box on the recording page? In particular, what does 'mixed' mean in this context? For example would it cover a site with some trees, some hedgerow, some scrub, some grassy areas? Partly wild and partly managed?  Thanks.