Finding notifications

Submitted by Aemp on

I have a message to say that I have notifications but when I click on the link, there are none shown? Any ideas?

Submitted by James Emerson on Thu, 30/03/2023 - 09:18


The notifications system does occasionally seem a bit random - it might be that if you haven't looked at a notification for a period of time you get an email about it and it is removed or something like that?

If it is there but just not accessible via the link, then you should be able to find it by going to the Explore menu and going down to My notifications.

Most notifications are either about the automated checks, which can basically be ignored, or to say that your record has been verified. If you go to 'My records' and go below the map to the list of records then there is a small spanner icon in the top right. Click on that and up comes a long list of different things you can have showing for your records. Make sure that the tick box for option 1 (no heading - this shows the verification status) and option 13 ("Verified on") are checked. Now you can sort your records by most recently verified by clicking on one of the small arrows beside the Verified on option. Whatever is top is probably what the notification was about. By checking column 1 you can see if there are ticks, i.e. it is verified as correct, or anything that might require a response like a ?