Status message

Please ensure that you've filled in your surname on your user profile before leaving a group.

Enter a bird record

This recording form is for entering bird observations, including information on breeding status.


This record is being submitted to iRecord. If you have an iRecord account, please log in so that this sighting appears in your records. If you are not already registered with iRecord we highly recommend to register so that you can view your previous records and use all the site’s facilities. However, you can continue without registering by providing your details below. We ask for these in case we need to contact you when verifying your sighting. They will not be used for any other purpose.
Personal details

Please provide your first name

Please provide your surname


Please provide your email address. This will only be used to contact you if we require further information to verify the record.


Please add the recorder's name, if it is not already shown, using the format "Surname, First name"


Select the date of the record.


Enter the species name using * as a wildcard


If anyone helped with the identification please enter their name here


Please indicate the life stage of the bird(s), if recorded.


Please enter your best estimate of the number of individuals seen


Please enter any evidence of breeding, if seen


Please indicate the sex of the bird(s), if recorded.


How certain of this identification are you?


This is the precision that the record will be shown at for public viewing


Provide the unique code/identifier for the field that the species was recorded in (as shown on the field map provided to you by the project team).


Or simply click on your rough position on the map.

Butterfly App (2024)

Welcome a summary of data collected by the iRecord Butterflies mobile phone application for 2024.  If you have just submitted records, please note that it can take a few minutes for your records to appear on the reports.

Butterfly App totals so far for 2024

Recorders Species Counts League

Recorders Record Counts League

Counties Species Counts League

*Vice counties are a version of the county boundaries which don't keep changing, so they are very useful for biological records.

Counties Records Counts League

British Plant Gall Society Survey

This page is currently for demonstrating the survey structure for BPGS instead of active use.

Please enter the species you saw and any other information about them.
Step 1
{content} Select a species first
SpeciesHostHost CertaintyAssociated organismCertainty (Other associated organism 1)Associated organism 2Certainty (Other associated organism 2)Associated organism 3Certainty (Other associated organism 3)Identified ByQuantitySexStage - invertebratesCommentPhotos
Please provide the spatial reference of the record. You can enter the reference directly, or search for a place then click on the map to set it.
Please provide the following additional information.

Edit record

Please enter the species you saw and any other information about them.

This is the precision that the record will be shown at for public viewing


Provide the name of the site, ideally using one that is recognisable from an OS map. Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Personal details

My account

iRecord allows you to customise several aspects including the species groups you like to record most often and the region, county or area you most often record in.