iRecord fields for importing records

Submitted by iRecord support on

If you are importing records from a spreadsheet into iRecord, you will need to map your spreadsheet columns to the database fields that are available (see the main spreadsheet upload Help page). If you are using the "iRecord Import" survey format for importing your records, the tables below show the database fields that are available. (If you use one of the other survey formats, such as "DRN dragonfly imports", you will see a different set of database fields, and will not have a choice between standard and advanced fields.)

Standard fields

These are the ones that are shown by default when you come to map your spreadsheet columns, and should be sufficient for general biological records.

Subhead for field mappingField nameNotes
OccurrenceExternal record IDtext - to allow import of unique ID for the record, e.g. if imported from another database
OccurrenceOccurrence commenttext - a comment associated with the individual record
OccurrenceSensitivity precisioninteger - allows the precise grid reference to be blurred for public view - value is in metres (e.g. 1000 = 1 km square blur)
OccurrenceSpecies or taxon nametext - species name that matches a UKSI scientific or English name
OccurrenceTaxon Version Keytext - the Taxon Version Key for the species name, as defined by the UKSI
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyBreeding evidence (birds)has to match the iRecord termlist
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyIdentification referencetext - can store a citation or other information about the field gude or key used to identify the species
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyIdentification typehas to match the iRecord termlist
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyIdentification yeartext - year of the identification
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyIdentified Bytext - name of the person who identified the species (= the determiner) - suggested format is "Surname, First name"
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyObservation Typehas to match the iRecord termlist - an alternative is to use "Method (free text)", see below
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyQuantitytext
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyRecorder certaintyhas to match the iRecord termlist
Occurrence attributes for selected surveySexhas to match the iRecord termlist
Occurrence attributes for selected surveySpecimenhas to match the iRecord termlist
Occurrence attributes for selected surveyStagehas to match the iRecord termlist
SampleDateformat is dd/mm/yyyy
SampleLocation nametext
SampleSample commenttext - a comment associated with a sample (i.e. a group of records from the same sample)
SampleSpatial referencea grid ref or other spatial reference, depending on format chosen in settings; for lat/long can use decimal format or colon-separated degrees, minutes and seconds, e.g. 52.123N 2.123W, or 52:24:21N 2:31:42W
Sample attributes for selected surveyHabitattext
Sample attributes for selected surveyMethod (free text)text - an alternative is to use "Observation Type", see above
Sample attributes for selected surveyRecorder Nametext - name of the person who recorded the species - suggested format is "Surname, First name"
Sample attributes for selected surveySource of imported recordstext - can be used to provide information about the source of the records being imported
Sample attributes for selected surveyVice-county numberinteger - the vice-county number (see the BRC website for a list of British vice-county numbers - Irish vice-counties are not currently available)


Advanced fields

If needed, you can change the field mapping page so that it shows "standard and advanced" fields. This will give you more options, but note that some of these fields are intended for admin use only, and will not be relevant to all users.

Subhead for field mappingField nameNotes
OccurrenceConfidentialt or f (t = true; f = false); if set to true the record will be hidden from public view. Should not be used unless essential (Privacy precision provides an alternative for blurring grid references)
OccurrenceGenus (builds binomial name)text
OccurrenceImport guidfor iRecord admin use
OccurrenceRecord statusfor iRecord admin use
OccurrenceRecord substatusfor iRecord admin use
OccurrenceRelease statusfor iRecord admin use
OccurrenceSpecies or taxon database ID ( iRecord admin use
OccurrenceSpecies or taxon external keyTaxon Version Key for current preferred taxon
OccurrenceSpecific name/epithet (builds binomial name)text
OccurrenceZero abundancet or f (t = true, i.e. record of absence; f = false, i.e. record of presence); only needed if records of absence are being imported
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Caption 1for iRecord admin use
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Caption 2for iRecord admin use
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Caption 3for iRecord admin use
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Caption 4for iRecord admin use
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Path 1for iRecord admin use
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Path 2for iRecord admin use
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Path 3for iRecord admin use
Occurrence photos and other mediaMedia Path 4for iRecord admin use
SampleDate enddd/mm/yyyy
SampleDate startdd/mm/yyyy
SampleDate typehas to match the iRecord termlist
SampleDay (Builds date) 
SampleExternal sample IDtext
SampleGroup (lookup in database)text - has to match an iRecord Activity title
SampleInput formtext - has to match a recording form name from an iRecord URL
SampleLicence (lookup in database)text that matches known licence (e.g. the CC licences)
SampleLicence codetext that matches known licence code (e.g. the CC licence codes)
SampleLocation (lookup in database)for iRecord admin use
SampleLocation Codefor iRecord admin use
SampleLocation external keyfor iRecord admin use
SampleLocation Indicia IDfor iRecord admin use
SampleMonth (Builds date) 
SamplePrivacy precisioninteger in metres (e.g. 1000 = 1 km square blur)
SampleSample method (lookup)has to match a termlist - guidance not yet available; see also "Observation type" and "Method (free text) in the standard attributes
SampleSample verification statusfor iRecord admin use
SampleSpatial reference systemfor iRecord admin use
SampleYear (Builds date) 
Sample attributes for selected surveyEUNIS Habitathas to match a termlist - guidance not yet available
Sample attributes for selected surveyVice county (lookup using location code)guidance not yet available
Sample attributes for selected surveyVice county (using database location ID)for iRecord admin use