How do I...? and other questions


Post here if you have any questions about using the site that are not covered in the 'how to' guide.

Activity for non-account holders

Submitted by Andrew Green on

I've set up an activity to encourage members to start using iRecord. Most don't have an account. The activity is set up to "Enter a casual record" but when I test the link to that page, if I'm not logged in I get taken to the home page. Is there anything I can do to allow non-account holders to enter records into our activity page?

How can I be enabled to download records?

Submitted by Richard Wright on

I am county recorder for Warwickshire (VC38) for three groups, beetles, bugs and arachnids. I keep the county records for these groups on Mapmate. There are many records on iRecord that I would like to import which would take forever to copy individually. Is there a way in which I can be authorised to download records for these groups in my county?

Spreadsheet upload with obscured location

Submitted by DavidHowdon on

I've got to upload some data soon and the site manager has asked that the location be obscured.  If I enter an individual record this is easy enough to do as there is a setting to obscure the records to 1km, 10km resolution etc.  However I've got a lot of data held in MapMate so easier to do it as a spreadsheet upload than transcribe every record across.  What field do I need to have in the upload spreadsheet and what value does it need to have to obscure records to 10km resolution?


Activity set up

Submitted by chantalvhelm@g… on


I've set up an activity but am trying to change the Where bit by defining an area using the map tool, but this does not seem to be working as when I check which records are included it does not seem to be including the appropriate records. I've selected the 'include all records defined by the filter regardless of group membership or form used' option on the activities settings page.

Changing name

Submitted by mags49 on

I've tried to find this in the guide, but the screen it shows for editing "who you are"  is not one that I can see.  

What I want to do is change my account so that my full name is not seen, but instead my username appears against records.   

Apologies if that's in the help or guide, searching is not working for me!

