Records download for LERC purposes has many errors?

Submitted by Fife_Nature_Re… on

I am trying to download a fresh dataset for Fife and I am getting many records with errors. The ID column has over a thousand records with what looks like sentences/comments data. Have I done something wrong?


Submitted by iRecord support 3 on Thu, 12/10/2023 - 13:09


Could you please email a subset of your download with the errors and we will try and resolve. I have just tried downloading this data via your Explore/Download page and can't see the error. Thanks

Submitted by Fife_Nature_Re… on Thu, 12/10/2023 - 14:42


I have emailed an example, it is something to do with how I open the csv file I think. If I open the csv without loading it into excel it doesnt have these errors? May have to re-think my process.