"Grid is outside known range"

Submitted by J.M.Heap on

I recently entered a couple of hoverfly records (now verified) which initially came up with the standard automated "Grid is outside known range" message. However, both species involved were recorded and verified last year from the same locality. How come the now-known range does not seem to include these earlier records - or are they still regarded as mere outliers of a more contiguous range? Or, perhaps, it's a case of a time lag for records to be added to the 'known range'?


Submitted by vc33moths on Thu, 10/08/2023 - 19:48


The range data isn’t necessarily based on iRecord material. The moth data for example comes from the NBN data cleaner. There is inevitably a lag between updates to that tool and the rapidly changing distribution of some species.


Robert Homan, East Gloucestershire Moth Recorder

Submitted by J.M.Heap on Fri, 11/08/2023 - 12:27


Thanks for the reply. That makes sense - I should have taken better note that the alert message specifically refers to the NBN cleaner.