adding a list of species at the same site

Submitted by darkorchard on

When I try to add a list of species there is no dropdown box to add to, the headings are there but nowhere to add anything


Submitted by Gustav Clark on Thu, 01/12/2022 - 11:21


I went "Enter List of records".  Headers appear.  I set the date, then started typing in the name of the first species in the Species box, in this case Carabus .  At that point a drop down list of Carabus species appeared.  Click on on of them then fill in the rest of the row.  When I was done I repeated this on the next row, et seq, then filled in the location name.  At this point I scrapped the lot as it was just testing.

I suspect the key is that there is nothing to say you just type in the names on your list.