Status code 500

Submitted by RDawson on

Today all my photos have come up with the above when I have asked for an ID. 
Any ideas?

Rob Dawson


Submitted by iRecord support 3 on Wed, 24/07/2024 - 16:58


We are aware of an issue affecting the image recognition function on a number of apps, and are currently working to fix it. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Submitted by starc01 on Sat, 05/10/2024 - 08:19


Hi Rob, it sounds like you might be experiencing an issue with your photo ID settings or permissions. Try checking your app's settings to ensure everything is properly configured. If the problem persists, a reinstall or clearing the cache might help. On a side note, if you're into games, you should check out BB Racing APK—it's a fun way to pass the time while troubleshooting!