If you go to the "Record" menu at the top of the iRecord pages, youi'll see that there are three options for the 'generic' iRecord forms that allow any species to be recorded, followed by a fourth option for "Taxon-specific forms". If you open up that fourth option you'll see a range of forms that are customised for recording particular species groups:
If you are a regular recorder of any of these species groups you may find that the taxon-specific form is more relevant for you than the generic "Enter a casual record" or "Enter a list" forms, and you'll also be able to supply more of the detail that some recording schemes would prefer to receive.
Most of these taxon-specific forms work in a very similar way to the main iRecord forms, and should be straightforward to use. The Vascular plants form does work rather differently to the standard iRecord forms, and guidance on using the Vascular plants form is provided below. More species group options may be added in future.
Whichever form you use to add records to iRecord, your records will still be shown when you go to Explore - My records, will be available to verifiers and recording schemes, and will still get included if you download your records. (However, if you need to download all the extra detail that you've used for the taxon-specific forms you will need to download them using the "Survey to include" options on the Download page.)
Vascular plants (grid recording)
As mentioned above, this form works a bit differently to the others, and there is also an option to use the iRecord app for reocrding plants in grid squares. To find out more download our guidance document:
- Adding lists of plant species for grid squares using iRecord (by Kevin Walker, Tom Humphrey, Oli Pescott, David Roy & Karolis Kazlauskis). Version 1.0 at July 2018.