Species name unknown category

Submitted by sjpoxley@gmail.com on

Hi I am using iRecord to make observations in field crops. When adding species name for a field crop, the suggestions are mostly intuitive. One minor comment is with Barley  which is represented as hordeum vulgare, but it does add "six-rowed barley" as the common name to the record, when it might be two-row. UK species inventory may categorise 2-row barley as a different species and if they do, having both options come up when typing "barley" would be helpful.


Would it be possible to have an unknown category for the species? When making observations at the end of the cropping season,  the field may be cultivated prior to drilling a new crop for the next season. This is the time between crops when I want to make observations  in  the comments, The next crop will be unknown to me until it has been drilled and emerged when it can be identified.   Having either unknown or unknown (crop)  would be a really helpful category so records can be created and the species identified at a later stage.

This may not be the primary purpose for iRecord, but i find it really great to make the observations I am making. Thanks