About 80 towns and villages were moved from Berkshire to Oxfordshire in 1974. You still label the town where I live as Berkshire despite having moved to Oxfordshire 48 years ago. Please can you use a more up to date map of the counties?
About 80 towns and villages were moved from Berkshire to Oxfordshire in 1974. You still label the town where I live as Berkshire despite having moved to Oxfordshire 48 years ago. Please can you use a more up to date map of the counties?
The OpenStreet maps that form the basis of much iRecord mapping are up to date. The complication with Berks/Oxon perhaps results from most recording schemes (including iRecord) being based on vice-counties and not administrative areas. VC boundaries have not changed for many years while admin. counties chop and change.
R Homan, VC33 moth recorder