Plantlife Rapid Woodland Assessment (Lake District)

Rapid Woodland Assessment - your results

Background information


Background information


Survey location and size of area covered

If you have marked any features on a map, you can upload a scan of the map here.

Please use the map tool to identify the location of the woodland you surveyed. You can enter a grid reference if you have one, or zoom in to the correct location on the map by using the zoom tool on the left of the map. To pan around the map, click on the multi-directional arrow icon in the top right-hand corner of the map. Now click on the map and drag to move around.
Once you have identified the woodland location and zoomed in on it, please draw an outline around the area you surveyed. You can do this using the ‘polygon tool’. Turn on the polygon tool by clicking on the middle of the three icons in the top right-hand corner of the map. You can now draw a polygon (or outline) around your woodland by clicking on the map. Click several times to add corners to the polygon, and double-click to finish. If you are not happy with your first attempt, you can draw a new polygon and the first one will be replaced.

Woodland composition and structure

Use this form to tell us about the woodland composition and structure


Step 1
Alder - Alnus glutinosa
Ash - Fraxinus excelsior
Beech - Fagus sylvatica
Birch - Betula
Oak - Quercus
Sycamore - Acer pseudoplatanus
Willow - Salix


Step 1
Ash - Fraxinus excelsior
Beech - Fagus sylvatica
Birch - Betula
Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna
Hazel - Corylus
Holly - Ilex aquifolium
Oak - Quercus
Rowan - Sorbus aucuparia
Sycamore - Acer pseudoplatanus
If you observed any additional tree species in the canopy or sub-canopy, please enter these below. Start typing the common or scientific name in the box until the species name appears. Select the abundance category from the drop-down menu.
Step 1

Interpreting your score: 0-3 indicates low potential for supporting Atlantic woodland lower plants, 4-5 indicates moderate potential, 6+ indicates high potential.

Habitat features

Use this form to tell us about the habitat features in the woodland. Tick and score for all that apply.
A glade/clearing in the wood, over 20 m across

Interpreting your score: 0-3 indicates low potential for supporting Atlantic woodland lower plants; 4-5 indicates moderate potential; 6-11 indicates high potential; 12+ indicates very high potential.

Lichens and bryophytes

Use this form to tell us about the lichen and bryophytes

Tick one option

Tick as many options as apply

Interpreting your score: 0-2 indicates a site with lower potential for Atlantic woodland lower plants; 3-5 indicates moderate potential; 6+ indicates high potential.

Indicator species: If you found any of the four indicator species please tick them below, add the grid reference if you know it, and upload any images you took. If you do not have a grid reference for the species you can use the comments section to describe the location. You can also let us know how certain you are of your identification using the ‘certainty’ field.
Step 1
SpeciesPresentGrid referenceCertaintyCommentPhotos
Hypotrachyna Add photos
Lobaria Add photos
Ochrolechia Add photos
Sticta Add photos
If you recorded any of the additional indicator species from Plantlife’s guides to lichens of Atlantic woodland or Plantlife’s guide to bryophytes of Atlantic woodland, you can also enter these records here. Any records we are able to verify from photos will be added to the national databases.
Step 1
{content} Select a species first
SpeciesGrid referenceCertaintyCommentPhotos

Threats assessment

Use this form to record any threats to lower plants that you identified. Use the comments section below to tell us where these threats are located in relation to any important habitat features you have already identified (e.g. dense holly growth is around veteran trees).

Interpreting your score: These threats largely relate to a lack of light that will affect the survival of lower plants. A score of 2 or 3 for any single threat suggests immediate management may be needed. A score of 1 suggests management may be needed to reduce the chance of the threat spreading. If there are threats located near important habitat features or populations of lower plants, these should be prioritised for management.

Use the comments section below to give any additional information (e.g. if threats are located near important habitat features, or if you found additional threats not listed above).

Management assessment

Tell us about any evidence of management you can see
Evidence of grazing/browsing

Additional comments

Here you can report anything else you think is relevant. If you met with the landowner and were able to ask them about site management, make a note of your discussion here.

Further Information

Thank you for your time and effort in completing the Rapid Woodland Assessment. The information you provide will help us identify important sites for conservation and highlight where management work could improve conditions for internationally important lower plant communities. We will analyse results as they come in, and we would like to keep you informed about what the results are showing. Fill in the information below to let us know whether you would like to be contacted about the survey results and other Plantlife projects. Please make sure you click ‘save’ at the bottom of this form to ensure your results reach us.

We will not pass your contact details on outside of the organisation and will only communicate with you based on your checkbox selections below

Tick this box to confirm you are happy for us to email you information about what the survey you have completed is showing

Tick this box if you would like to receive updates on the wider project and what the Rapid Woodland Assessment results are showing across the region

Tick this box if you would like to be kept informed about Plantlife volunteering through our newsletter sent out twice a year. This will let you know what is happening across the country

Tick this box if you are happy for us to include your photos in our open access online image library to help more people learn about lower plants

If you were filling out this survey on behalf of an organisation (e.g. National Trust), please specify here

Please tell us any other feedback you have about using this survey