Verified sighting

Submitted by juliansidney@o… on

I haven't had my butterfly sightings verified for a couple of months now, 200 or so records on the iRecord butterfly app, is this normal ?

My records have been up loaded and I have appeared on the trending page with photos are being used, would be nice to know what I am reporting is correct.

Any help would be appreciated 

Submitted by Gustav Clark on Mon, 25/07/2022 - 17:58


Butterflies are usually verified by a county recorder, who has the job of collating records supplied by all the recorders in their country.  If most of the recorders are submitting records by spreadsheet or email then that route is going to take most of their time rather than iRecord which may have a fifth of the number of records.  I'm not a verifier, but I would expect iRecord to be quite a slow tool to use, so again it shifts down the priority list.  So it may be the end of summer before the county recorder gets round to those iRecord queues.

What is certain is that your records are safe and they can be used to help other people, verified or not.  If there  are pictures then it makes them even more valuable as others can decide whethee to accept  your ID.  I regularly submit beetle records knowing that it will be years before they are checked - beetle verifiers are rare, whilst I have several thousand plant records that may never be looked at; alternatively they may help someone one day trying to fill in the gaps of an under-recorded country.