Searching specific grid references or people

Submitted by Nick Smith on

I confess to not having read all the 'help' advice but wondered if it is possible to search the map for a grid reference or indeed, records submitted by a specific recorder.

The grid reference I can do by trial and error honing in on the map to the right spot (by locating the grid reference on another map and working out where it is on the Irecord map), but that is cumbersome and I feel sure there is an easier way. If it were possible to search a grid reference to take you to that square it would make it easier and quicker to see  what may be found at a specific location and when.

For the recorder search, I saw a record by a specific recorder who I thought I knew and was local to me (so, interested in what they had recorded I wanted to search them and there records) but their records were at a grid reference miles away from where we live - so was it the right person? I was therefor trying to search their name to see if they had records for the area local to me - thus probably confirming they were indeed the people I know.

Thanks in advance


Submitted by Barry Walter on Sun, 13/03/2022 - 16:50


Both can be done on the Explore/All Records page. Scroll down to the list and enter the relevant search terms in the text-boxes below each column name (i.e. "Map ref." and/or "Recorder"). There are many other columns that can be displayed and searched on using the same method. Click the spanner icon at the end of the column header to see them all and edit which ones are shown.

Alternatively, if you click on the "Create a filter" button (top-right of the map), you can set up a filter that can be saved for later use. (NB: for reasons which I have never understood, it isn't possible to filter by a specific recorder other than yourself using this method).

Submitted by Nick Smith on Sun, 13/03/2022 - 21:11


Thanks Barry Walter - thanks very much - that works fine - it was me being stupid, I saw the 3 search boxes ABOVE the map but didn't go below the map. I thought there should be a better search function than that which I'd discovered.
