Mapping manipulation

Submitted by LouLaw on

I've set up an activity for a Borough Council that covers 2 vice counties but not in entirety. How do I map the actual borough for recorders to establish whether their record is within the boundaries/scope of the activity. Is this possible? Can I create an overlay for the actual Borough that can be saved? Forgive me in advance if this is already covered somewhere. I'm floundering around trying to set this up.


Submitted by iRecord support 3 on Wed, 17/01/2024 - 13:08


You can create your own boundary in My sites | iRecord, by selecting the 'Create site' button and then using the draw polygon tool (top right of map) to draw around the area of interest. This may be tricky for a big area such as a whole borough, but such boundaries are not currently available as selectable layers within iRecord. Once this is saved, you can choose your site as a boundary for your activity by selecting 'My Sites' from the dropdown in the 'Where' option of the create activity page, and starting to type the name you gave the site, and selecting