How do I find out who a National expert is?

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I submitted a recording of sedum and the feedback requests I send a sample to a National expert for verification.  Does anyone know how I go about this please?

 Thank you :)

Submitted by Gustav Clark on Wed, 27/04/2022 - 21:27


The BSBI (Bot Soc of B I) are the recording soc for plants, so they nominate the experts.  They do have a referee for Sedum.  In the first instance I suggest you use Twitter with @BSBI to ask for help, preferably with a picture to catch their eye.  They may copy the tweet to an appropriate person..  Also check their website.  The list of experts for different groups is for some reason only visible to members.  For a less authoritative but more certain response try one of the flowering plant groups on Facebook - "The Wild Flower Society" may be best.  Open up Groups and search for that name, then  request membership.  It usually gets turned round quite quickly.

Submitted by LouisP on Thu, 28/04/2022 - 16:14


Hello, the message is an auto-generated message and I would ignore it (I've had the message on plenty of my records but they have never needed confirming by a BSBI referee). The species involved in this case can be identified from photos alone. If the verifier says it needs sending to a national expert then I would do so.