How do I filter out or hide sensitive records in an activity?

Submitted by Vale Landscape… on

I am working with Vale Landscape Heritage Trust (a charity) to create a list of records for each of their 18 sites. I have created an activity, which includes a polygon for each of the 18 sites (listed under 'My sites'). We are trying to use the map to see what records fall under the sites, but there are 3 or 4 sensitive records which cover the map with blue squares and prevent us from accessing the records underneath, of which have more precise locations.


We wondered if there was any way of filtering out, or hiding them so we could look at the other records on the map? 


Submitted by JulianL on Wed, 20/09/2023 - 15:48


Frustrating isn't it.  Ideally it would allow you to filter out grid references based on accuracy - eg, only show 8 figure accuracy records.  If you are lucky and the sensitive records were made before the period of time you are interested in, you can "create filter" and get rid of them that way.  Or, you could abandon irecord and use where you can draw similar polygons and not have to deal with the big blue blocking squares!