How can I be enabled to download records?

Submitted by Richard Wright on

I am county recorder for Warwickshire (VC38) for three groups, beetles, bugs and arachnids. I keep the county records for these groups on Mapmate. There are many records on iRecord that I would like to import which would take forever to copy individually. Is there a way in which I can be authorised to download records for these groups in my county?

Submitted by nate.oen on Fri, 11/03/2022 - 21:04


Hi Richard =,

I am asking the same thing. I'm doing an Honours Project comparing the tradeoff between data quantity (number of records) and quality across different recording apps. 

I hope there is a way to download these records in an Excel format. Did you hear anything from them?

Submitted by Stu Wills on Wed, 25/05/2022 - 14:10


same problem here, we would like the data to inform our local biodiversity recovery plan.  iNaturalist has an API but it would be good to be able to query here as well.

Submitted by iRecord support on Mon, 30/05/2022 - 11:02


Records from iRecord are immediately available to national recording scheme verifiers (including the county recorders/verifiers who work with them) and to Local Environmental Records Centres. Many of the verified records are also shared via the NBN Atlas. Individual iRecord users are able to download summary species lists from the Explore - All records page (e.g. you can filter to a county or other geographical area, time period and/or species or species group and download a list of the species recorded).

To request additional access to the records if the above options are not sufficient please contact us: