Elasticsearch Query Failed - Exploring My Sites

Submitted by The Box Moor Trust on


When I look to explore the records on one of the sites I have created, I am getting the error message 'ElasticSearch Query Failed' in a text box at the top. This is the only site I have set-up that I am struggling with this error.

Is this a common error and if so is it one I will be able to correct?



Submitted by Gustav Clark on Sun, 13/02/2022 - 22:14


The engine that does the actual searches through the database is a package called ElasticSearch.   Hence if it fails to deliver the message id ElasticSearch Query Failed.  I have never written anything in it, but I am sure it has many ways of failing.  In the iRecord the commonest must be that there are no records to be found. Maybe your site has many birds but no mammals, so searches for rats will always fail.  Of course it could be something in the definition of the site that causes the search to fail.

Thanks for asking the question - I often get the message but never bothered to work out what it meant.

Submitted by Gustav Clark on Sun, 13/02/2022 - 22:30


It isn't just no records.  That message means that it somehow failed to set up the query, implying that it there's something about your site that spooked it.  Check it's boundary

Submitted by The Box Moor Trust on Mon, 21/02/2022 - 10:58


Hi Gustav,

Thanks for the update!

I am planning on updating all my site boundaries before breeding bird season so that I can use them for our BBS style surveys that we are planning. I have created some sites that I can see the boundaries on the map through the 'Activity' section (that I set one up for surveying) however I cannot see or access them in the 'My Sites' section. Is there a reason that they appear to be dropping off my list?

