Becoming a verifier

Submitted by Simon Van Toller on

How does someone become a verifier when not attached to a particular recording scheme? 

Submitted by James Emerson on Sat, 22/04/2023 - 19:28


The practical answer is by contacting iRecord support with details of what you are looking to verify etc. I suspect  that whether a particular individual can become a verifier would mostly depend on what is already in place, combined with your experience. So for example if the group you are wanting to verify has an active national recording scheme they might want to maintain verification of the whole lot, or at least want to know a bit more about you before allowing you to verify records. If you are part of a county naturalists society or county recorder network and want to verify your group then that should be OK. If you don't have a defined county role or affiliation but have knowledge of a particular group and want to help then that is the sort of thing you would just get in touch and explain your circumstances.