Addressing/replying to cleaner notifications and comments

Submitted by conceptacassar… on

Hi all, 

I have had a couple of cleaner notifications for species outside known range - I'm reasonably confident of my ID and open to expert input but can't see a clear way to address the notification. 

I also had some very helpful feedback from a recorder on a species outside of my comfort zone and would like to send thanks but can't see how to do this either!

Thank you for your help!


Submitted by James Emerson on Thu, 17/08/2023 - 19:10


Regarding the record cleaner, these messages are all automated and the 'known ranges' for many species are very out of date. There is no need (or mechanism) to address the notification, if you are confident in your ID you don't need to do anything more.

I am assuming that the feedback on a record came via a comment from a verifier on one of your records. If so, you can find the record (e.g. Explore > My records), look at the line containing your record and on the right hand side are three small icons. Click on the top one (it looks like a piece of paper with the corner folded over and two lines on the page). This will bring up your record and any comments that have been made. You can then add a comment, which I think should then be visible to the person who verified the record. If it was through a different mechanism, or was from someone other than the verifier then I'm not sure you can easily get back in touch.