Record status

Submitted by JonathanWallace on


I have just received a notification relating to a record I submitted back in 2020 as a 'likely' devil's coach-horse.  (Ocypus olens).  The record has been redetermined as Tasgius sp by someone who I believe is an authority on beetles at the Natural History Museum.  I am of, course, more than happy for the record to be corrected by an expert but the point that is puzzling me is that the record's status is still set as 'awaiting review'.  Is this correct or has the reviewer simply neglected to amend the status following the redetermination? 


Submitted by James Emerson on Fri, 22/09/2023 - 17:31


As a verifier if you redetermine something then that is a verification action, so you can’t accept it at the same time. It will therefore show awaiting review with the new ID until the verifier looks at it again. Depending on the number of records to check (I’ve had a few old records verified by NHM beetle staff recently too) as a genus only record it might take a while depending on how they are prioritising records (eg they might be doing common species like Devil’s Coach Horse first, or they might be going through in date order etc).