Only half site surveyed

Submitted by arevelle@btint… on

I went to survey my 5 locations in my designated area but could only complete two of the locations. This was becuase as I was travelling from my 2nd location, to the 3rd location, it started to rain heavily. So I decide to abandon the survey for the other 3 locations. Would I still need to survey those 3 locations, as it should have been my 4th visit, as I have just completed my 5th visit to all locations today.


Submitted by James Emerson on Wed, 16/08/2023 - 21:40


You haven't said why (or what!) you were surveying. Most people using iRecord will simply be adding records of species they see whilst out. If there is a particular survey that you have been asked to do by an organisation then they might have guidance on what to do if you can only do part of it, but that would be down to whoever organised it rather than iRecord.

Submitted by arevelle@btint… on Thu, 17/08/2023 - 09:56


Sorry, I am part of the RSPB Volunteer Monitoring of Farm Wildlife (VMFW). I will direct my question  to them.