NBN Cleaner

Submitted by rob.duffy60 on

Is anybody having problems understanding feedback on records that states " the NBN Cleaner says they  are outside the accepted 10km range". A difficult proposition to inderstand when you're recording garden escapes which could turn up anywhere!

Submitted by James Emerson on Fri, 23/09/2022 - 18:09


The NBN cleaner rules are applied automatically and the messages are best ignored if you are confident of your ID.

The rules are applied to everything, so as you say garden escapes could turn up anywhere, but to be fair most species do have a more defined range. The ranges haven't been updated for a long time, so loads of stuff gets flagged as out of range - personally I'd scrap it, but I think the original idea was to help flag up to less experienced observers if they were recording something that was unlikely based on where they were.