Dragonfly submission question

Submitted by adecoleman on
15/06/2023 - 17:21


On 04-06-2023 i submitted a record for a Norfolk Hawker Dragonfly which i spotted at RSPB The Lodge Bedfordshire. I submitted an image along with all of the relevant data and then received a message saying the submission is under review due to the subject being out of area. I am just asking to see if it will not be accepted for some reason and how long will it be before there is a decision. I’m not really sure why it is being reviewed as it was genuinely seen and photographed at RSPB The Lodge.

Submitted by iRecord support 3 on Thu, 15/06/2023 - 19:54


This is an automatically generated message based on sets of "rules" for checking records that have been developed by the national recording schemes. It does not imply that your records are being disputed, but in general just serves to highlight certain records to verifiers. You can choose whether or not you wish to receive the various types of automatic messages - for details see: http://www.brc.ac.uk/irecord/control-emails

We understand the disappointment that people feel when their records don't get verified on iRecord. Verification is carried out by volunteer experts; we are enormously grateful to the people that do this, and we hope that it assists the flow of new records for recording schemes and projects. 

There are a number of reasons why records may not receive prompt verification on iRecord, including:

- there may not (yet) be a recording scheme that covers the species group in question (there IS for Dragonflies)
- there is a scheme but it's not active on iRecord
- there is a scheme and it is active but it is only able to verify data in batches once or twice a year
- there may not be an active verifier within your vice county
- the scheme is currently receiving a lot of records, and so there may be a delay in the verification process

Even where there isn't an active scheme carrying out verification, there are still good reasons for adding records to iRecord: once added they are safely stored by the Biological Records Centre and will be available to a recording scheme in future, and all records added directly to iRecord are immediately available to local environmental records centres even if unverified (with suitable caveats).

Also, iRecord does provide a free biological recording package, with standard species lists, map interface for grid references etc., from which you can download your own records as spreadsheets, so it is a useful resource for recorders even without the added benefits of verification. Downloaded spreadsheets can be passed on to recording schemes who aren't active on iRecord.