Comments on validated record

Submitted by DavidDee on

If I add a comment to a validated record which is one of my records submitted as a group, does that mean that the validator has to go over all of the group records again?

I would like to send/post a "thank you" comment, but not if it creates unnecessary work for others.


Submitted by SuzieHay on Tue, 26/07/2022 - 19:10


A comment was put on my sighting, saying that you don't get them up this far....

I got told on the FB Dragonfly site that I should put it in here as they normally don't get up this far!!

Admin contact me if you want.

Submitted by Gustav Clark on Wed, 27/07/2022 - 12:00


It depends on the evidence you offered.  Did you provide pictures or a detailed description saying why it was this species and none of the alternatives?  Without that then it is a matter of opinion between you and the verifier.