Why suggest orders in species field if they have no value?

Submitted by JulianL on

I posted a nymph ‘grasshopper’ Orthoptera - I did not know for sure what it was beyond grasshopper and I posted it because it was the earliest I have seen one in the area.

The verifier has rejected it as being of no value, because it cannot be identified beyond Orthoptera. I have no problem with this. I was in two minds about posting it. But I don’t understand why irecord has an option for posting a record as Orthoptera?

Should orders be removed from the species input field?


Submitted by James Emerson on Sat, 25/05/2024 - 09:43


I don't know anything about the computer-programming aspect of this, but is it a case that anything you can search for (when you legitimiately do need orders etc) comes up in the entry selection too rather than there being two separate lists, one for searching and one for data entry?

Submitted by Barry Walter on Thu, 06/06/2024 - 21:57


Surely the orders are at least partly there to allow recorders to enter a value for something they don't know how to identify themselves. If the record has photos, the verifier may be able to narrow down the identification to a more useful taxonomic level. (Of course, there's no point uploading records with no supporting evidence if you can't provide a useful identification yourself).