My Data Summary not working

Submitted by JonathanWallace on

It appears that the 'My Data Summary' query is not working or at least not for me.  I simply get the statement 'no information available' in the display screen and a pop-up message stating that 'the report did not load correctly'.  Is anyone else experiencing this?


Submitted by kevinJ2018 on Sun, 30/06/2024 - 23:20


I’m also experiencing a problem with the Activity Summary for two Activities I use (“Chislehurst Commons” and “NT Hawkwood Nature Watch”) – both return all 0s for “All Totals for this activity”. That said, another Activity I’m subscribed to (London Natural History Society), the Activity Summary looks like it’s working, but it isn’t, as it now only shows a fraction of the data (17 out of 18,571 records).

Submitted by Ian Stone on Mon, 01/07/2024 - 14:45


I've also been getting zeros, and no trending or league tables in Activity Summaries for several days now, and it has been very slow for the zeros to appear. I normally use Chrome as my web browser, but I have just tried using Microsoft Edge and Firefox, and both are producing the Activity Summaries in perfect working order and quickly.

Submitted by kevinJ2018 on Tue, 09/07/2024 - 12:22


Thanks Ian,  I also use Firefox and was seeing zeros, but seeing your post I tried Edge and sumaries worked. Went back to Firefox (v127.0.2) and it also stated working as normal. All okay now plus being able to select app entered (blue circle) records from the web map view is also working again alongside web entered records making checking records across the site much easier and informative.