How do I record a new uk species when I can’t add it to the taxon bar? Scambus rufator Hymenoptera

Submitted by john barnard on

I have recorded a new species of Hymenoptera for the uk, Scambus rufator ( confirmed by experts in the field). I have tried adding a record but it is not recognised in the taxon bar on the recording table so does not save the record when completed. Any advice much appreciated. 


Submitted by James Emerson on Wed, 27/09/2023 - 21:03


iRecord doesn't have it's own UK species database, it uses the UK Species inventory, which is maintained by the Natural History Museum (UK species | Natural History Museum (, so if you have found something new and it has been verified or published then they are the people to get in touch with. It will then get added to UKSI, and on the next update/synch it will become available on iRecord.