It would be very helpful if the handling of sensitive species information on iRecord was clarified on the iRecord website. I am often asked about handling sensitive records, blurring record details, automatic blurring of records and sharing of details of sensitive records but I cannot point anyone to information on how this works. I have my own understanding how this works from personal experience, but this may or may not be correct nor complete.
Given that iRecord also acts as a method of mobilising data from other platforms (BirdTrack, iNaturalist) which have their own ways handling of sensitive species information - how does this interaction work with sensitive species? Who has access to sensitive information and at what level of detail?
Please could someone share some detailed information about how this works for those of us who work with biological data and who interact with recorders 'on the coalface' who want clear answers to these questions. Clarity and transparency of this system is extremely important, particularly if use of iRecord is to be encouraged and adopted more widely.