I cannot get rid of the notifications I have read as when I click the "acknowledge" button then press OK it comes up with an error message. This has occurred ever since I was notified of a species with very long name "Tenthredo arcuata / brevicornis / notha / schaefferi agg." Could this be the cause of the problem? This list will just build up if I can't delete items. Hope someone may be able to help. The error message is
Array ([error]=>Validation error[code]=>2003[errors]=>Array(=>form_error_messages.source_type.default))
John Knight
Acknowledging notifications
When I click on "Acknowledge this list of notifications", I get the following error message:
Array ( [error] => Validation error [code] => 2003 [errors] => Array ( => form_error_messages.source_type.default ) )
Acknowledging Notifications
Problem seems to be getting worse, I now have 71 which won't clear with the same error message.
Same happening to me but just for comment notifications e.g. 38747912