Import records from Birdtrack?

Submitted by Sarah Ward on


I've got quite a few records on Birdtrack of mostly birds but also other species. Is there a way to import those records without having to enter them all over again?




Submitted by James Emerson on Mon, 04/03/2024 - 21:11


Non-avian records entered into BirdTrack should have been automatically transferred over to iRecord for verification anyway thanks to a link up between the orgainsations (See for more details), so they should already be here, they just won't be linked to your account.


From a recording point of view there would be no need to add the birds to iRecord if they are in BirdTrack, and I think the idea was that bird records from iRecord could flow into BirdTrack so adding them here might result in duplication at that end. If you did still want to do it for your own records, then records can be uploaded to iRecord from a properly formatted spreadsheet, so the quickest way would be to download them from BirdTrack then upload to iRecord.