Butterfly species

Submitted by Chris Lamsdell on

when entering butterfly records, for some unknown reason the species list will not bring any butterfly species up and I am unbale to enter any butterfly species - any clues why?


Submitted by LouisP on Thu, 24/03/2022 - 10:43


Hi Chris, I'm not sure why it's happening but I had the same issue when trying to upload a record of Red Admiral yesterday. I entered the Latin name and it worked fine though. I have the same issue with Egyptian Goose too but iRecord seem uninterested in fixing a these small but annoying problems.

Submitted by peterjc on Thu, 24/03/2022 - 12:36


Same problem with me also with some species like Peacock although it works for Brimstone. Even adding scientific name 'Inachis io' for Peacock didn't work. i.e. not on list.


Submitted by peterjc on Fri, 25/03/2022 - 07:27


Using both 'Entering a casual record' and Entering a list of records'. Now working fine.
