BCT Sunset Sunrise Survey

Recorder details
Survey details
if you saw any bats, then please complete the following.
Step 1
SpeciesType of sightingHow did you identify the bat?
Please provide a spatial reference for your survey location. You can enter the reference directly, or search for a place then click on the map to set it.

or simply click on your rough position on the map.


Did you see any other animals
Step 1
West European Hedgehog
Stag Beetle
European Rabbit
Tawny Owl
Red Fox
if you prefer you can enter the animal as free text below and select from the list of possible options when it appears, this allows you to enter any species you have seen.
Step 1
Thank you for contributing valuable data to the National Bat Monitoring Programme. By submitting these wildlife sightings you consent to sharing this information with the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT), local bat groups and others subject to the approval of BCT. Your contact details will not be shared and all spatial information will be blurred to a resolution of 1km for public view.