Thank you for entering the results of your earthworm soil pit survey. Advice on identifying and recording earthworms is available at the Earthworm Society of Britain (ESB) website: About YouSoil pit sample detailsSite detailsDetails of earthworms recorded First name: Please provide your first name Last name: Please provide your surname Email: * Please provide your email. This will only be used to contact you if we require further information to verify the record. Date: * Recorder Name: * Enter the recorder's name, if different. Number of pits: * Enter the total number of pits dug for this sample. Overall comment: Enter an optional general comment for this soil pit sample here; individual comments relating to the earthworms recorded can be entered on the 'details of earthworms recorded' tab. Location: Provide the name of the site. Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others. Enter a spatial reference: * British National GridWGS84 (decimal lat,long) Or search for a place on the map: Search Close the search results Or simply click on your rough position on the map. Habitat: 010 WETLAND 020 HEATHLAND/MOORLAND 030 GRASSLAND 040 URBAN 050 FARMLAND 060 SCRUBLAND 070 WOODLAND 080 COASTAL 090 BUILDING 100 CAVE/TUNNEL/WALL 110 WASTE GROUND 120 OTHER (please specify)* Loading... ID resource: Jones, D.T. & Lowe, C.N. OPAL Key to common British earthworms Sherlock, E. (2012) AIDGAP Key to the earthworms of the UK and Ireland Sherlock (2018) Earthworm AIDGAP 2nd edition Sims, R.W. & Gerard B. M., (1999) Earthworms: Keys and Notes for the Identification and Study of the Species Sterry, P. (2010) British Garden Wildlife: A photographic guide to every common species Other (please specify) Select the main identification resource you used to identify the earthworms. Number unidentified: * Enter the total number of earthworms recorded from your pits that could not be identified, e.g. because they were juveniles or because they were damaged. Step 1 {content} Certain Likely Uncertain Adult Immature Sub-adult Add photos Select a species first SpeciesPresentMorphCertaintyQuantityStageIdentified ByCommentPhotos In the table above enter records for all the species you recorded across all the soil pits in your sample.